Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gravity * Illustration Friday

What do you think? Now it's almost a fox...

Someone knows to use the gravity...


studio lolo said...

Hi Nicole...this is very clever! I love the color choices and the patterns. The red in the dog is a nice surprise!

travis king said...

Very cool. Nice job! it must of taken a long time to knit that bird and dog...heh-heh.

Piotr said...

beautiful collage and colors for this wondrous tale!

becca said...

You have such a cool, unique style. I really don't think I've seen anything like it. I love the way you've portrayed this concept, too.

steve said...

Way to go! I see a whole series forming from your illo friday submissions!

Anonymous said...

ciao - grazie del commento al mio post
sbircio sempre i tuoi lavori anche se a volte non trovi commenti
Mi piace come lavori con la carta
ciao e buon lavoro

Sherry said...

Ooh, I love the colors and patterns in this one! Clever fox...

Andrew Thornton said...

I too enjoy the patterns you've created. Is it yarn? It gives your characters and the leaves a real sense of volume. I especially like how the graphic nature of the background contrasts with the very organic and natural feel of the textures. Bravo.

Anonymous said...

bellissimi patterns colorati!un'ottima interpretazione del tema in chiave di favola...

Steve Morrison said...

Very creative style...I love the yarn!

Anonymous said...

Ciao, questo posto mi fa tanto appello alla combinazione del colore. E' rilassante di vedersi!
Anche, grazie del commento al mio post. Buon lavoro!

Anonymous said...


It's remind me the "fox and the grapes" fable in my childhood
I love the color and the texture

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