Sunday, May 27, 2007



Ujwala Prabhu said...

very nice and nice rings too :P

Mike said...

Excellent work, I like it a lot.

Tina Poe said...

Very nice digital collage, I like that you used lighting effects while keeping with the cut paper look and feel.

maria antunes said...


studio lolo said...

Lovely country drive! The deer seems safely out of the way :)

Anonymous said...

wow, this is fantastic! do you hand cut these papers or is this digi?

georg said...

Beautiful - your handmade papers are lovely. I think, it's good, that the road are divided in two - -

Catalina Alvarez said...

Wow! this is great.
I love it!

Nicole Florian said...

@georg: I think it's not good that the road is divided in two: which is the right way? And here is also Mister Deer who confuses me a lot. Could be a sign?

Anonymous said...

molto onirico...bello l'effetto "riflesso" del vetro...tutte le strade portano a roma, o no?

Keszeg Agi said...

Multumesc pentru mesaj.

Hello! said...

Sempre molto belli i tuoi collage digitali! Mi piace molto la margherita sul cruscotto e i riflessi sul parabrezza!

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

I want to go on this ride! Looks so peaceful, even if there is that fork in the road...decisions decisions decisions. Gorgeous image.

Anonymous said...

In primul rand felicitari, lucrarile tale sunt minunate, ma bucur mult ca te-a descoperit Sanda! In al doilea rand, fug pe blogul cu pagini de colorat, abia astept sa le "vizitez" cu fiica mea de 3 ani!

Anonymous said...

Natura (copacii+cerb) noastră duală care ne imparte şi ne trasează viaţa în contradicţii.

Nicole Florian said...

Totusi, aici e o rascruce de drumuri, pe unde o iau? Imi spune Cerbul ceva? Cine e Cerbul? Ce reprezinta el?

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