Saturday, February 16, 2008

Theory (Cai verzi pe pereti)

"Green horses on the wall" it is a theory about dreaming with open eyes...


carga said...

very suggerent the green horsesand very nice the illo....

studio lolo said...

Nicole, the colors are stunning and unusual. I love this!!! I'll send the link to my horse friend :)

steve said...

Great! Nice vivid work and idea.

Anonymous said...

ciao nicole,
molto bello anche questa di composizione! e bello anche il contrasto tra complementari verde/rosso...da manuale!

Anonymous said...

Asa cum o prezinti tu, incep sa-mi doresc sa visez si eu cai verzi pe pereti!

valerie walsh said...

very, very gorgeous!!!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

what a nice assortment of styles you offer here. really enjoyed my stay

Raluca said...

mi-a placut!!!felicitari:))

Alex Ionescu said...
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Alex Ionescu said...

Caii verzi de obicei alearga... :-) Acestia sar de bucurie... Foarte frumos! Iti urez mult success!

Nicole Florian said...


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